You and Me Never Walk Alone

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Training Of Trainers (TOT) ICT Based Management School

Lastest version PAS - SMA 6.1

One manifestation of bureaucratic reforms was the publication of regulations national education ministry number 36 of 2010 regarding the organization and working procedures ministry of national education. reform of the bureaucracy in the ministries national education is to change the structure and function of the unit - the main unit ICT. duties and functions of data collection is no longer part of secondary education located in the center of secondary education statistics.

Relating to the duties and functions of this data collection, the design need data collection mechanism that ties between the directorate general of education medium with a technical directorate under it and with the education provincial / district / town and school resulting in a comprehensive integration.

upper secondary education activities. this will not happen if  data collection mechanism is not carried out a door. it is necessary for coordination and cooperation efforts in order to realize integrated data collection and accountability. comprehensive data collection on  education units, may not be implemented by deploying instruments greater data collection in hardcopy form, requires disarming greater data collection and distribution mechanism of its instrument of accession not easy to be implemented fully.

On the basis of reason, then one chance to get the data collection  as a whole is capitalizing on the role of schools as a center for ICT services. School as a ICT service center can transmit data to the directorate general of secondary education through the application of the data collection system of school management  ICT-based. 

Through technical assistance, schools - schools that were invited, was appointed schools ICT service center of secondary education, as a supporting act for general secondary education in their schools to implement a data collection . Data concerning individual schools, learners and teachers as well as implementing  dissemination of the data collection system that ICT-based school management  developed by the directorate general of secondary education in the form  training and technical assistance (Training of Trainers / TOT) to the school around it.

Implementation of this training was held in support of the ministries of education and culture directorate general secondary education, held at The Empire Palace Hotel, Blauran St. 57-75, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. implemented in phases. first phase on December 18 to 22 June 2012. while the second phase was held on 24 to 29 June 2012. with 245 participants consisted of both public and private high school who came from 33 provinces and 245 districts / cities.

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